Step 1. In your group of five people, decide amongst yourselves which aspect of Oscar Wilde’s life you will write about, in order to construct a journal in Oscar Wilde’s voice.
The different time periods to choose from are:
Step 2. Complete a worksheet while researching, and use it to guide your synthesis of information to write your diary/reflection entry.
Step 3. Research the aspect of his life you will be writing about.
Step 4. You may write either a diary entry, or a reflective entry from Wilde’s point of view. The word limit is 1000 words, with a minimum of 500 words. Make sure to use the correct tense, and use your worksheet to guide your answer, keeping in character all through your writing. This will be due a week after the webquest is completed, or at another time, as stated by your teacher.
Before you begin your task, come together in your group to read an example of a reflection written in another poet's voice.
Step 5. Come together in your group to compare, discuss and rationale your response to the diary entry/reflection task.
Step 6. Submit your diary entry/reflection to your teacher.