Marking Criteria

 Evaluation Marking Criteria (For Teachers)

 (If full view of marking criteria is unavaliable/not visible, click to open PDF to view.) This is not the version presented to the students, but a teacher version, with an advanced explaination of the task. Link to student version of marking criteria.


Word Limit: 500 -1000 words

Task: Students are to write a diary entry or internal reflection, in Oscar Wilde’s voice, keeping in mind their chosen topic focus and interweaving answers from their worksheets

Important aspects students should consider:

·         Voice – Students must keep in mind they are writing as if they were Oscar Wilde, assuming his vocabulary, tone and voice. Their interpretation is entirely up to them, within reason.

·         Topic Focus – Students must always focus on their chosen time period, as a lack of understanding or focus may result in a failing mark on this aspect.

·         Worksheet – Students must use their responses to the questions in their worksheets to write their diary entry/reflection, showing their ability to use higher-order thinking skills by expanding the activity.

·         Style – Students must show they understand the form of a diary entry/reflection by writing one in the appropriate style. Ignoring the set style for the task may result in a failing mark.

This exercise aims to:

·         Enhance literacy in students as they practice a particular writing style, diary entries or reflection, and through working in a group, practicing discussion and communication skills.

·         Practice higher-order thinking, as students have to synthesize their answers from the worksheets and interpret them into a diary-entry or reflection.

·         Enhance numeracy in students, as they create a timeline with particular dates, and must implement these if writing a diary entry, and may be mentioned if writing a reflection.











Content Knowledge

Student shows exemplary evidence of understanding of the questions stipulated in the worksheets in their writing.

Student shows moderate evidence of understanding of the questions stipulated in the worksheets in their writing.

Student shows basic evidence of understanding of the questions stipulated in the worksheets in their writing.

Student shows little evidence of answering questions stipulated in the worksheets in their writing.


Student shows no evidence of understanding or knowledge of the questions, stipulated in the worksheets, in their writing.

Grammar and Spelling

Work contains no misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Work contains no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Work contains three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Work contains four misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Work contains five or more misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Topic Focus

The chosen topic is clear in the work, although it may or may not be explicitly stated.

The chosen topic is generally clear in the work, although it may not be explicitly stated.

The chosen topic may be vague in the work.

The chosen topic is unclear or confusing in the work.

The chosen topic is incomprehensible in the work and/or no work has been produced at all.


Student exhibits skilful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful and complementary to the work.

Student exhibits reasonable use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful.

Student exhibits minimal use of effective vocabulary.

Student’s work lacks use of effective vocabulary.

Student makes use of no vocabulary/ no submission of work.

Word Limit

Work adheres to the word limit between 500 and 1000 words.

Work goes twenty-five words over or under the word limit of between 500 and 1000 words.

Work is fifty words over or under the word limit of between 500 and 1000 words.

Work is 100 words over or under the word limit of between 500 and 1000 words.

Work is more than 100 words over or under the word limit between 500 and 1000 words/ no submission of work.


Student thoroughly understands and writes in a manner suitable for a diary entry or reflection.

Student shows a reasonable understanding of the style and writes in a manner appropriate for a diary entry or reflection.

Student shows little understanding of the style and writes in a manner appropriate for a diary entry or reflection.

Student shows a poor level of understanding of the style and writes in a manner inappropriate for a diary entry or reflection.

Student does no show any understanding of style and does not write in a manner appropriate for a diary entry or reflection/ no submission of work.


Student shows a wonderful understanding in employing the voice of Oscar Wilde, and uses a suitable tone, vocabulary and prose.

Student shows an appropriate understanding in employing the voice of Oscar Wilde, and uses a suitable tone, vocabulary and prose.

Student shows little understanding in employing the voice of Oscar Wilde.

Student shows little or no understanding in employing the voice of Oscar Wilde, and inappropriate tone, vocabulary and prose.

No submission of work.

Overall Mark




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